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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Going Vegan...for a week at least!

So the other night, I caught a show on Oprah where she challenged her staff to go Vegan for a week. I've always been curious about Vegans and their lifestyle...but not in a way that made me want to join the cause. It seemed like the staffers who took the challenge seriously saw a significant change in the way that they felt and one even lost 11 pounds. So with this in mind...I've decided to start my own challenge and pull in some of my friends and co-workers to see 1. Who's bold enough to try it for a week, and 2. As sort of a funny experiment to see who would fail miserably and who would actually take this Vegan challenge serious. I tried recruiting my family, friends and co-workers - but only a few brave ones stepped up to take this challenge on:

1. Miss Silverspoon Vanderwoodsen

2. The Female Fatale Fitness Bootcamper

3. The Lazy Greek Goddess

4. The Quickwitted Office Assinater

5. Myself of course - The Eco-Diva Extraordinaire!

I'm already putting my bets on whose going to bail out first. This shall be a very interesting experiment indeed! The challenge starts on ladies, put on your game face because it's on!!!


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