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Monday, February 7, 2011

Petition: Ask Peru's President to Protect Uncontacted Tribes

All of these peoples face terrible threats – to their land, livelihoods and, ultimately, their lives. If nothing is done, they are likely to disappear entirely.

Uncontacted tribes are extremely vulnerable to any form of contact with outsiders because they do not have immunity to Western diseases.

International law recognises the Indians’ land as theirs, just as it recognises their right to live on it as they want to.

Following first contact, it is common for more than 50% of a tribe to die. Sometimes all of them perish. That law is not being respected by the Peruvian government or the companies who are invading tribal land.

What can we do about it?
Survival is urging the Peruvian government to protect these isolated Indians by not allowing any oil exploration, logging or other form of natural resource extraction on their land.

The government must recognise the Indians as the owners of their land.

After a Survival campaign in the 1990s, in collaboration with local indigenous organisation FENAMAD, the oil company Mobil pulled out of an area inhabited by uncontacted tribes in south-east Peru.

Please help us fight for the rights of the world’s most vulnerable peoples.

Act now to help the Uncontacted Indians of Peru
Your efforts are crucial in defending the Uncontacted Tribes. Get involved in this urgent effort in the following ways.

Writing a letter to the Peruvian government can make a real difference.
Donate to the Uncontacted Indians campaign (and other Survival campaigns).
Write to your MP or MEP (UK) or Senators and members of Congress (US).
•Write to your local Peruvian embassy
•If you want to get more involved, contact Survival

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